Business Services
Special Services dedicated to business travelers
Wi-Fi internet available free of charge throughout the hotel
Newspapers, magazines, ebooks via your mobile device
Room services
Laptop safe in each room
Universal mobile phone chargers on request
Ironing table and iron on request
Express laundry and ironing service within a maximum of 24 hours on working days*
Possibility of making photocopies/prints in black and white and colour*
Food & Drink
Snacks and drinks available in the lobby from 5am for your early morning departures
Restaurant open for lunch and dinner*
Cold dish in the room for your arrivals after 10.30pm*
Bar Service*
Room Service from 8am to 11pm*
Wi-Fi internet available free of charge throughout the hotel
Newspapers, magazines, ebooks via your mobile device
Room services
Laptop safe in each room
Universal mobile phone chargers on request
Ironing table and iron on request
Express laundry and ironing service within a maximum of 24 hours on working days*
Possibility of making photocopies/prints in black and white and colour*
Food & Drink
Snacks and drinks available in the lobby from 5am for your early morning departures
Restaurant open for lunch and dinner*
Cold dish in the room for your arrivals after 10.30pm*
Bar Service*
Room Service from 8am to 11pm*
24 hour reception
Luggage storage
Check-in and check-out time flexibility, subject to availability*
24 hour reception
Luggage storage
Check-in and check-out time flexibility, subject to availability*
Large outdoor parking
Indoor garage connected directly to the Hotel
Wellness Services
Relax area with Turkish bath
Cardio-fitness area
Large outdoor parking
Indoor garage connected directly to the Hotel
Wellness Services
Relax area with Turkish bath
Cardio-fitness area
*Additional charge
If your company travels frequently to Olbia, you can contact us by email at to check together
the most convenient solution for you